This month, the TSD team is celebrating the 10th work anniversary of Delyan Mondeshki, Executive Vice President & COO of TSD Services.

Delyan Mondeshki joined the company in 2012 as an investor and co-owner. Shortly after that, TSD started expanding its team and opened an office in Sofia.

Today, Delyan is responsible for the business operations management of TSD Services, contributing to its progress with his demonstrated expertise in Operations Management and extensive industry-specific experience in information technology. An essential part of Delyan’s role in the company is that he also takes care of Key Account Management of the growing number of offshore and nearshore clients of TSD Services.

One of the most characteristic features of his leadership approach is that Delyan fosters a positive and friendly working atmosphere in TSD. He maintains close interaction with every employee, always being ready to offer support and assistance or suggest a solution.

Delyan’s can-do attitude in people management and focus on the optimal outcome in any situation, mixed with his invigorating sense of humor, are also things that make him stand out from the crowd as a manager and a colleague. Therefore, his unique leadership approach is appreciated by all team members of TSD.

Among the main recognitions of Delyan during the years is that he was acknowledged as one of the 20 Top IT Managers in Bulgaria for 2021 according to a survey by DevStyler media. A further achievement attributed to Delyan Mondeshki and his work is that TSD Services was recognized as the Top ICT Employer in Bulgaria and Top IT Outsourcing Provider for 2016 in a ranking by JobTiger and ICT Media.

We invite you to meet Delyan Mondeshki and learn more in the following interview.

  1. Your journey with TSD Services started in 2012. Ten years later, would you define that as a successful endeavor, and why?

I can certainly state that it’s been an enjoyable journey, both personally and professionally. As far as measuring success goes, in my opinion, it really comes down to setting goals along the way and working consistently and persistently to achieve and exceed those goals and expectations.

Looking at where we started after I joined TSD Services as an investor and Head of Business Operations in 2012, and the indicated across-the-board progress related to the increased number of satisfied and ongoing clients, expanded portfolio of services, number of employees, and office locations, I believe everyone associated with the company throughout the years has contributed to its success.

From a personal standpoint, I really am grateful for continuing to be a part of the TSD team, and I look forward to setting and achieving more major milestones together.

  1. As you look back, what major goals did the company achieve from when you started to now?

Today, TSD is a group of successful IT companies partnering with a growing number of global clients at five continents, consisting of 80 team members, and operating from three office locations as opposed to the one client-dependent company with 10 employees and one office in Troyan, which was TSD Services when I joined back in 2012.

Considering the organically originated and evolving company, and regardless of the expansion throughout the years, the most important thing for me is that TSD remained focused on its core values – employee-centric and customer-centric approach represented by trusted and reliable relationships with team members and clients and integrity of the company’s leadership. Preserving our identity, values, and can-do mindset is a major backbone of the company’s success, and that is an achieved goal I was working towards during the years.

Speaking of goals, a quote by Henry Ford that I personally like is “Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.” And I could say I’ve been following that maxim in my work and along my journey in TSD.

  1. What are the distinctive characteristics of your leadership approach?

My leadership approach is first of all focused on the people as well as on the results. The employees represent the company, they are TSD, and, therefore, they are the main asset that subsequently sets a platform for individual and corporate success. We have been growing together during the years, and I believe that taking care of your employees is the first and most important step to take, accompanied by a positive attitude, enthusiasm, and consistent and persistent pursuit of your goals.

Leaders must always put their people before themselves. If you do that, your business will take care of itself.” This is a great statement by Sam Walton that very much corresponds with my beliefs, and consequently, with the kind of management I practice.

The result-driven approach, on the other hand, allows for expansion, better employee and company growth opportunities, and a capability to give back to society.

  1. Who is Delyan apart from his role in TSD Services?

I like using my free time to travel and do sports such as tennis, jogging, and cycling.

  1. What are your hopes and expectations for the next decade? 

I expect to maintain and further expand my passion at TSD and work towards making the company an even better place for its consistently increasing employees, clients, and community. In other words, I plan to keep the development trend of the past decade and possibly build on top of it.


Delyan Mondeshki through the perspective of his colleagues:

„Delyan has been the right person, at the right time, at the right place. Over time, he has greatly accommodated for a place that is even righter now. But… he shoots with the left hand, so go figure all this rightness! ?“

German Gachevski, Founder & CEO of TSD


“Always energetic and smiling, Delyan manages to lighten up the atmosphere in the office with his presence. During the 9 years in which we have been working together, we’ve achieved a lot professionally, often discussing and coming up with an approach to seemingly hopeless situations. He usually works hard on several things in parallel, but he is always responsive and never refuses to help a colleague. I think Delyan has contributed a lot to the overall development of TSD and we will keep achieving professional success with his help.”

Simeon Mirchev, Manager, Information Technology, part of TSD since 2013


“Delyan is a leader who inspires. Based on the 7 years of work with him, I can say that he is a decision-maker who leads with a positive and uplifting attitude, confidence, and intelligence. He is always there to provide guidance and support when we encounter challenges. He finds a way to speak individually with everyone about their personal concerns, which results in building trust and loyalty.”

Maya Kutsarova, Lead Marketing Specialist, part of TSD since 2014


„Delyan is a well-organized leader, constantly aspired to the achievement of the company’s objectives. I like the human face of the manager Delyan as he always shows interest in the thoughts and concerns of his colleagues, both personally and professionally.”

Atanas Iliev, Application Developer, part of TSD since 2014


“The work with Delyan is precise and dynamic. I’ve been working closely with him for 7 years, and I owe a lot to him as far as my professional skills and experience are concerned. He has the unique ability to follow a multitude of tasks at the same time and be familiar with each one of them in detail. I would describe Delyan as a manager with whom the workflow goes purposefully and the communication is friendly. He has a good sense of people, and usually, you don’t even need to tell what’s on your mind as he has already got it.”

Tsveta Ralchevska, Lead HR Specialist, part of TSD since 2015