Internship Program 2021

Dreaming of being a part of a friendly and supportive team while building up knowledge and skills by working on engaging projects for various industries? If you can respond with a “yes” to this question, our annual internship program is the right fit for your career aspirations.

TSD is dedicated to supporting the development of young talents, and we are pleased to share that by far the most attended and most diverse internship program of our company started earlier this summer and is successfully ongoing. Currently, we are hosting seven motivated interns in different departments in our Troyan and Plovdiv offices, and we are eager to reveal how the program has contributed to their personal and professional development.

Meet our great 2021 interns below and find out more about their experience at TSD.

  1. How can you describe your internship and the working environment at TSD so far?

“I felt I was at the right place from the very beginning. I have been able to learn about and use some of the latest and most advanced software development tools out there. Furthermore, the support I’ve been receiving from my colleagues while trying to find my way around these tools, or my work in general, has been great, and I am very thankful. The working environment is very close to how I picture the perfect workplace. It is professional, but not in a way that would impede the workflow. It is friendly, which allows for light-hearted situations where we can joke around and lighten up everyone’s mood. What is more, everyone is being treated with respect which helps us move forward, especially when we are struggling with something. The friendliness, polite attitude, and desire to help one another are allowing us to overcome any obstacle.”

         Ventsislav Yordanov, Software Development Intern


The internship program provided me with the opportunity to expand my knowledge and skills since the atmosphere at TSD is very welcoming and my colleagues are experienced professionals.”

          Andrey Belevski, System Administration Intern


“I would describe my internship as reassuring as my experience here helped me realize that design is the field in which I would like to develop in the future. The working environment is friendly and challenging.”

          Siyana Koleva, Branding and Design Intern


  1. What skills have you gained during the internship program?

“I have learned plenty of new things in the field of system administration including how to configure routers and administrate servers.”

           Andrey Belevski, System Administration Intern


“I have learned the basics of testing and gained essential knowledge such as how to write test cases, some tricks for the testing itself, and many other useful things. I am thankful to my mentor and the whole team.“

          Preslava Ivanova, Quality Assurance Intern


“I have been allowed to see what the real workflow of developing a software product looks like. I’ve gained valuable experience while using some of the latest software developing methodologies like scrum and agile. Additionally, I have had the chance to gain fundamental and advanced knowledge about several programming languages including C# and JavaScript.”

         Ventsislav Yordanov, Software Development Intern


  1. What do you like most about TSD? 

“What I like most about TSD is that the Management of the company maintains high standards in the work process, the employees perform their tasks professionally, and the flow goes smoothly. “

          Mihail Moev, System Administration Intern


“I love the fact that everyone is so friendly and knowledgeable and will always find time to speak with you or help you if you are struggling with something. Also, I like the workplace as we have a playroom where I can play table tennis with my colleagues, which is a great way to unwind after work.”

          Ventsislav Yordanov, Software Development Intern


“What I like most about TSD is that everyone is super friendly and because of that the work process is truly enjoyable”

          Vanesa Vlahovska, Human Resources Intern


We are extremely excited that we have successfully expanded our traditional annual internship program with ambitious and hardworking young people.

Furthermore, we are glad to add that we have recently welcomed back Yuliyan Nikolov and Vladislav Angelski who successfully completed our 2020 internship program. Both guys are now part of the TSD team for keeps and handle the workflow admirably.

In case you are inspired to become a part of a competitive IT company, do not miss to learn more about our internship program and check out the open positions on our website.