retirement home donation

We have recently received highly positive feedback along with a thank-you letter from the director of the retirement home located in the Sofia district Darvenitsa, to which we have been providing continuous donations for the past several years. Pleased with the outcome of that CSR activity or ours, we are happy to share details about the initiative and show the benefits that it has been bringing to the elderly people accommodated in the institution.

For over four years now, we have been supporting the retirement home by covering its Internet expenses annually, thus providing its residents with ongoing and easy access to online resources.

Today, considering the fact that we are living in a pandemic situation, this opportunity has proven to be more essential and valuable than ever. The retired people have the chance to feel socialized and connected to their relatives even despite their current isolation. The daily Internet access enables them to keep informed about all news happening in the outside world and also provides them a way for entertainment. Additionally, a few training courses were organized at the home during which a specialist made the people familiar with the basics of computer use and safe browsing.

“We, the management of “Dalgoletie” Retirement Home together with the elderly people living here, would like to express our sincere gratitude for the granted Internet access. Thanks to your donation, the retired people can benefit from an Internet connection every day. Many of the users at the home have children and grandchildren living abroad, and they have been given the opportunity to see them and speak with them online. Thank you so much!”

          part of the words in the thank-you letter written by the Management of the retirement home and its residents

Once again, TSD is more than pleased to see and hear about the positive outcomes from our continued corporate social responsibility activities, and we feel further inspired to keep up with our purposeful efforts in this direction.