We are glad to share that our comprehensive billing solution for Relativity has recently been upgraded with a long list of improvements plus a new important addition. The application has acquired an enhanced performance, becoming much lighter and extremely user-friendly, and thus offering immense levels of functionality, convenience, and speed to its users within the Relativity platform.

A New “Current Value” Charge Level

The most recently added feature to MaxBilling is the Current Value charge level, which is available for all Case Rollup billing items. It allows users to charge based on the usage amount accumulated towards the end date of the reported billing period.

A Set of Enhancements in Invoicing

An essential part of the new MaxBilling release is that the app’s users are now able to benefit from the invoicing functionality in combination with the Tiered Pricing option. A further invoicing enhancement is that users have been given the option to implement prefixes and any custom values in the invoice number.

Billing Reports Based on TB Unit

MaxBilling users are now enabled to charge based on TB unit, getting the opportunity to perform more extensive charging of their clients’ usage by using this larger unit.

Statistics Collection Improvement

Audit records are no longer used for the purpose of Imaging, OCR, Production Sets count and size statistics collection, and Users login statistics collection. This enhancement has led to a much faster and straightforward process of billing statistics collection, as well resulting in an optimization of the app itself.

Billing Profile Consistency Check Enhancement

The Consistency Checker agent has been removed from the application and replaced by adding Post-save Event Handlers to validate that a billing profile is correctly set. As a result of this improvement, editing a profile in MaxBilling has become instant, without users having to wait for its verification, while also making sure that the profile is fully consistent. Yet another element contributing to the elevated user-friendliness of the product.

Faster Report Generation

Last but not least, the process of generating billing reports has been optimized, ensuring improved performance of the app and maximum usefulness for its users. It now takes users just a few minutes to generate a massive report, as compared to about an hour before the optimization.

If you are tempted to see how MaxBilling operates after acquiring all these fresh enhancements and additions, you are welcome to schedule your live demo and find out how our complete billing solution will optimize your billing process within Relativity. Get in touch at sales@tsd.com and book the nearest time to be guided through the product by our friendly MaxBilling team.