Recently, we successfully hosted a webinar focused on the topic of how to tackle common billing challenges in the Relativity platform.

The featured speakers at the session were experts from both TSD and Relativity, who addressed the main billing challenges that many organizations using the platform face, and discussed their solutions, also demonstrating how they can be easily achieved with the comprehensive MaxBilling application.

We are happy to share that a large number of representatives of companies using Relativity showed interest in our webinar topic and attended the live event, which was held on June 24th.

Here, we will share some highlights and takeaways from the webinar.

Data Understanding, Utilization, and ROI Measurement

The first challenge, outlined by our guest speaker Ramon Goris, RelativityOne Implementation Specialist II at Relativity, was the need of many organizations to properly understand and quantify the usage data for their Relativity instances. The solution to that billing challenge was presented by Plamena Ivanova, Product Manager at TSD, briefly demonstrating the specific MaxBilling features that perfectly respond to the particular necessity.

Cost Management

Another challenge examined during the webinar session, which companies using Relativity frequently encounter, concerned the ability to efficiently manage their costs related to the platform. The solution was again covered by part of MaxBilling’s capabilities, which include a variety of charging and pricing options, and more.

Need of Reporting for Out-of-the-Box Billing Items

A further billing challenge, brought up by our guest speaker, was the need of many organizations to receive reporting on non-traditional items such as expenses for professional services fees, PM hours, hardware costs, support services, etc. The solution to that challenge, revealed during the webinar, could be easily achieved with the ability to create your own custom billing items and statistics about any custom task within Relativity.

Complex Billing Report Information

Another subject of discussion was the complex and difficult to analyze information in billing reports. One of the best solutions to that challenge, presented by MaxBilling PM, was the dynamic multi-layer visualization of data regarding different clients, making it easy and fast for the entire billing information to be digested and analyzed.

Time-Consuming and Error-Prone Manual Billing Process

The last billing challenge reviewed, which is common for any organization using the platform, was the need to automate and streamline its repetitive, time-consuming, and error-prone manual billing and invoicing operations. With billing process automation being the most basic purpose of MaxBilling, different ways of achieving that objective with the help of the app were demonstrated and explained by Plamena Ivanova.

Missed our webinar? In case you haven’t had the chance to join the live session, but are still curious to find out all details, you can watch the webinar recording here.

If you prefer to schedule a personal live demo of MaxBilling for you and your team, during which you will see how the application can meet the specific billing needs of your organization, you can contact us anytime at